Gr8at: Bond Songs

I’ll be writing my thoughts on Spectre soon, but I wanted to discuss in extra detail the aspect of Bond theme tunes. Especially as there was such a cool response to Sam Smith’s much anticipated song Writing’s on the Wall. I sided with the majority and was hugely disappointed. Smith is clearly an undoubted award-winning talent, and he is evdently aware of previous Bond songs, but for me there wasn’t a strong enough melody and I didn’t like his style of singing for the song. Unlike the hugely popular Skyfall and every other Bond theme, it did actually top the UK charts so clearly has its fanbase.

James Bond logo

Where would you rank it in terms of Bond themes? Are there any you particularly like or dislike? I’ve focused on the songs themselves, but if you are curious about the graphics side within the credits, I recommend this piece by Vinnie H.

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Things to See: Phoenix Park and Dublin Zoo

When I knew I was visiting Dublin, I knew straight away I would have to see Phoenix Park, and the zoo inside it. Covering a space of nearly seven miles, it is one of the largest parks in Europe and a wonderful place to go for a walk. The weather might not have been perfect, but it was still a delight to go for such a long and scenic walk. There’s a cycle lane and plenty of space for walking your dog, but most people I saw were just alone and enjoying the walk for themselves.

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Film Quizzes: Non-Bond Spy Films

I saw the 24th James Bond film Spectre earlier today. Before I post my review and other ideas I have regarding the Bond franchise, I thought I’d put up a quiz showing films it has inspired within the past 25 years. Whether it seeking to emulate the action, adrenalin, style and sophistication or gently mock some of 007’s more formulaic and overblown outings, these films all owe a great deal of Bond for creating such a successful spy genre. How many of them can you get? Are you a fan of them or do you resent them? Don’t forget to check out these Bond quizzes if you haven’t done them already (1,2 and 3)

Film Quizzes - Non-Bond Spy Films Film 1  (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Non-Bond Spy Films Film 2  (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Non-Bond Spy Films Film 3  (2000s)

Film Quizzes - Non-Bond Spy Films Film 4   (2000s)Film Quizzes - Non-Bond Spy Films Film 5  (2000s)

Film Quizzes - Non-Bond Spy Films Film 6  (2010+)

Answers below

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Gr8at: Guinness Adverts

I’ve always been interested in advertising and marketing. How in an increasingly competitive world a product, company or person can project a controlled image and make themselves stand out. Especially those who continue to evolve their image over time. Inspired by my recent trip to the Guinness Storehouse, which included a floor dedicated to its TV advert history, here are eight of my favourites. Do any of them stand out particularly to you? The first one is the most famous, and was voted the best advert of by Channel 4 and The Sunday Times, but there is a wide selection here so would be curious what you all think.

Guinness best ad

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Line(s) of the Day #One

U2 One

Did I ask too much
More than a lot
You gave me nothing
Now it’s all I got
We’re one
But we’re not the same
We hurt each other
Then we do it again

Taken from the song One by the Irish rock band U2, from their seventh studio album Achtung Baby (1991). Widely considered one of the best songs ever written, it showcases the songwriting ability of their lead singer Bono, who has demonstrated it in other songs such as If God would send his Angels and Beautiful Day.

Gr8at: National Wax Museum (now with answers)

I’m back from the wedding in Dublin and can tell you that everything I’d heard about the charm of the Irish was true. Everyone I met and spoke to was warm, kind and friendly and added to the wonderful time I had at the wedding. I’ll be putting up loads of posts soon on the places I visited, but looking through all the photos I realised how many I had taken at the National Wax Museum. Before I write up my description of it, I thought I’d test you to see how many of these eight waxworks you can guess. I’ll put the answers up tomorrow so feel free to make your suggestions below. As a final note, a reminder that not all of the famous people are Irish, and are a mix of artists, sports stars, writers and film characters.

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Line(s) of the Day #I’mGoingSlightlyMad

Queen Im Going Slightly Mad

I’m one card short of a full deck
I’m not quite the shilling
One wave short of a shipwreck
I’m not at my usual top billing

Taken from the fantastically quirky song I’m Going Slightly Mad from Queen’s fourteenth studio album Innuendo (1991).