Line(s) of the Day #Friends

Ross tanned

Ross: I went to the tanning place your wife suggested.
Chandler: Was that place the sun?

David Schwimmer and Matthew Perry in the hugely popular Friends (1994 – 2004). Though it only won six Emmys, the show launched the career of the six previously unknown actors, spawned countless memorable phrases, inspired copycat hairstyles and promoted a way of living that your friends could be your family.

Line(s) of the Day #TheElephantMan

The Elephant Man

I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being! I am a man!

John Merrick (John Hurt) in the biography The Elephant Man (1980), which tells the story of a heavily disfigured man’s struggle to be accepted into Victorian society. Directed by David Lynch in only his second film, it was nominated for eight Oscars, but was unsuccessful in all of them.

Gr8at: Memorable figures from the Wax Museum

I had planned on doing a wider description of Dublin’s Wax Museum, especially after I previously did an introductory style piece. But although the museum includes information about Irish history, its politics and its many famous writers, it will always be a very visual place and so my post will focus on that too. Below are a mix of musicians and very fictional entertaining characters, including the fifth James Bond, a boy wizard, the King of Pop and a very hairy Wolfman. How good do you think they are?

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Things to See: Guinness Storehouse

Guinness is one of Ireland’s most famous and long-standing exports, brewed in almost 60 countries and available in over 120 countries. No surprise then, that the Guinness Storehouse, filled with history of how “dark stuff”, is Ireland’s most popular tourist attraction. There was no way I was going to Dublin without seeing it.

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