Film Quizzes: Apocalyptic

Nothing gets people more nervous and yet excited than an apocalypse. The six films below are Hollywood interpretations of a doomsday scenario, either the build up or the aftermath. As always, the films are in order, with the answers below. Feel free to volunteer how you do.

Film Quizzes - Apocalyptic Film 1 (1980s)


Film Quizzes - Apocalyptic Film 2 (1990s)


Film Quizzes - Apocalyptic Film 3 (1990s)


Film Quizzes - Apocalyptic Film 4 (2000+)


Film Quizzes - Apocalyptic Film 5 (2000+)


Film Quizzes - Apocalyptic Film 6 (2000+)




1. Aliens  (1986)

2. Waterworld  (1995)

3. Armageddon  (1998)

4. I am Legend  (2007)

5. The Book of Eli  (2010)

6. Oblivion  (2013)

Line(s) of the Day #TheWire

The Wire

Maurice Levy: You are feeding off the violence and the despair of the drug trade. You are stealing from those who themselves are stealing the lifeblood from our city. You are a parasite who leeches off the culture of drugs… 
Omar Little: Just like you, man. 
Maurice Levy: Excuse me? What? 
Omar Little: I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It’s all in the game though, right?

Michael Kostroff and Michael K. Williams in the drama series ‘The Wire’ (2002-2008)

Line(s) of the Day #WhatHappensTomorrow

What Happens Tomorrow

Child, don’t you worry
It’s enough you’re growing up in such a hurry.
Brings you down, the news they sell you
To put in your mind that all mankind is a failure.

Taken from the song ‘What Happens Tomorrow’ from the album Astronaut by Duran Duran (2004)

Awards: Sunshine Award


It’s always a great feeling to be highly thought of by other bloggers, and to be put up for awards. There really are so many exciting, enriching and entertaining blogs, and it’s been really fun setting this up and maintaining it.

The Reading Girl is a relatively new blog but her enthusiasm for literature is infectious. She’s written loads of really cool reviews and even puts up inspiring literary quotes and her own poetry.

The Rules for The Sunshine Award:

  • Display the Award on your Blog.
  • Announce your win with a post and thank the Blogger who awarded you.
  • Present 10 deserving Bloggers with the Award – “who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere.”
  • Link your awardees in the post and let them know of their being awarded.
  • Write 10 interesting things about you

The Nominees (you can accept if you want to, no worries if you don’t):

Film Grimoire

Gill McGrath

Images en Blog


Miss Four Eyes

Poor But Honest

Silver Screen Serenade

Table 9 Mutant

Vinnie H

Where the Wild Things Are

10 Things

1. My favourite cocktail is between White Russian and Green Beaver.

2. I really hate seafood.

3. The worst film I have ever seen at the cinema is 2001: A Space Travesty. The worst film I’ve ever seen at home is Any Man’s Death.

4. My one food/drink vice is coke.

5. I was in the school tennis team and have seen most of the current top players live in London.

6. If I could pick one attraction to see it would be the Northern Lights.

7. I have ridden on an elephant.

8. I still have a t-shirt from when I was 10 which I’ve kept for sentimental reasons.

9.  My favourite current film director is Christopher Nolan.

10. I was hugely into Italian football as a child and hero worshipped Marco van Basten and Gabriel Batistuta





Film Quizzes: George Clooney

After the nadir of batman and Robin, George Clooney has come through to become a successful and well respected actor with a neat range, not to mention a producer of some reputation. Feeling confident you can get the six films below? Go on, you know you want to.

Film Quizzes - George Clooney Film 1 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - George Clooney Film 2 (2000+)


Film Quizzes - George Clooney Film 3 (2000+)

Film Quizzes - George Clooney Film 4 (2000+)


Film Quizzes - George Clooney Film 5 (2000+)


Film Quizzes - George Clooney Film 6 (2000+)





1. Out of Sight  (1998)

2. Intolerable Cruelty  (2003)

3. Good Night and Good Luck  (2005)

4. Fantastic Mr Fox  (2009)

5. Up in the Air  (2009)

6. The Descendants  (2011)


Line(s) of the Day #TwoAndAHalfMen

Two and a half men

Charlie: You have abused my good nature for too long and I am putting my foot down.
Berta: Uh-huh. You let me know how that works out.
Alan: Well, I guess we know who’s in charge around here.

Charlie: If I want your opinion I’ll ask your ex-wife.

Charlie Sheen, Conchata Ferrelland Jon Cryer in the sitcom ‘Two and a Half Men’ (2003 -)


Gr8at – Cute Animal Photos

After a slightly painful trip to the dentist today, I needed some adorable photos of animals to cheer me up. Here are my eight favourites from internet photos I’ve been sent from emails over the years. Which ones stand out the most to you?

Pink birdsToo cute for words. Makes you wonder what they are thinking.


Maybe he’ll become the fifth Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Cute and Cuter


That pose definitely gets my seal of approval.


Makes you wonder what shampoo is being used.

Polar Bear

Hope someone has a towel nearby.


If the animal kingdom ever remakes Rocky…




Not the most energetic of animals, but with poses like that they sure know how to work the camera.