Line(s) of the Day #AbrahamLincoln

Abaham Lincoln

The best way to predict your future is to create it.

Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865), the 16th president of the United States. Growing up in an enpoverished background, Lincoln is known for preserving the Union, abolishing slavery and modernising the U.S. economy. You can find another of his sage quotes here.

Film Quizzes: American Presidents

With everyone still discussing the American Presidential election and the inevitable consequences of Donald Trump’s victory, it seemed a good time to take a look at who has taken the Oval Office in Hollywood. Some relate to real presidents, while others are entirely fictional. How many of the 12 can you get?

film-quiz-american-presidents-film-3 1. (1970s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film16 2. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film-1 3. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-fillm-2 4. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-fillm-5 5. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-fillm-4 6. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film14 7. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-fillm-7 8. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-fillm-6 9. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film-13 10. (1990s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film-8 11. (2000s)

MCDFIDA FE001 12. (2000s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film-10 13. (2000s)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film-11 14. (2010+)

film-quiz-american-presidents-film-12 15. (2010+)

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Line(s) of the Day #TheWestWing

The West Wing

You know one of the things that happens when I stay away too long is that you forget that you don’t have the power to fix everything. You have a big brain, and a good heart and an ego the size of Montana. You do, Jed. You don’t have the power to fix everything. But I do like watching you try.

Abbey Bartlett (Stockard Channing) in the superlative political TV drama The West Wing (1999 – 2006). During its seven year run, it told of the President of the United States and his group of White House staffers’ issues when running the country.

TV Quiz: Political TV Shows

With the European news being dominated by the UK’s decision to leave the EU, I thought it was only fitting to do a politically-themed quiz. So with the shockwaves of Brexit still being felt, here are 15 past and present TV shows that capture different moods, mavericks and mindsets within the political landscape. It is one of the tougher ones I will do, so no worries if you struggle. While my picture quizzes are usually film-based, for those interested I have also done TV ones before, with American drama and cartoons.

TV quiz - Politics TV 1  1.

Yes Minister  2.

TV quiz - Politics TV 3  3.

TV quiz - Politics TV 4  4.

TV quiz - Politics TV 5  5.

TV quiz - Politics TV 6jpg  6.

TV quiz - Politics TV 7jpg  7.

TV quiz - Politics TV 8  8.

TV quiz - Politics TV 9  9.

TV quiz - Politics TV 10  10.

TV quiz - Politics TV 11  11.

TV quiz - Politics TV 12  12.

TV quiz - Politics TV 13  13.

TV quiz - Politics TV 14jpg  14.

Political Animals - Season 1  15.

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Line(s) of the Day #HouseofCards

House of Cards painting

Zoe Barnes: We’re in a very grey area. Ethically, legally. Which I’m okay with…
Francis Underwood: I just love this painting, don’t you? We’re in the same boat now, Zoe. Take care not to tip it over, I can only save one of us.

Kate Mara and Kevin Spacey in the political drama House of Cards (2013 – ), which tells of a scheming Democrat desperate to become American President.

Line(s) of the Day #WoodrowWilson

Woodrow Wilson looking serious

If you want to make enemies, try to change something.

Former US President Woodrow Wilson (1856 – 1924), who served from 1913 – 1921. His many successes include winning a Nobel Peace Prize in 1919, for his sponsorship of the League of Nations.