Film Quizzes: Great Foreign Films

I wasn’t planning on doing another film quiz soon after my Magic post, but in the comments section from my Teachers quiz an idea for foreign films was suggested by Leí, whose blog I discovered recently. While most of my quizzes focus on Hollywood, I have always had a fondness for films from different cultures, and even did a Blogathon entitled Foreign Favourites. Below are 15 stills from successful films made in different languages and cultures. How many can you work out? There are countless more I could have included, so feel free to mention any you’re especially fond of.

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 2 Film 1 Film 1  (1940s)

Foreign films Film 1 Film 2  (1950s)

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 1 Film 2 Film 3  (1960s)

Film Quizzes - Germany Film 2Film 4  (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 1 Film 4 Film 5  (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 2 Film 6

Film Quizzes - Germany Film 3 Film 7  (1980s)

la haine friends Film 8  (1990s)

Le diner de cons Film 9  (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 2 Film 4 Film 10  (1990s)

 Film 11  (2000s)

Film Quizzes - French Part 1 Film 4 Film 12  (2000s)

Foreign films Film 12 Film 13  (2000s)

Foreign films Film 13 Film 14  (2000s)

Volver bench Film 15  (2000s)

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Photography: Film posters

As my ever-increasing Film Reviews and other Film Stuff page shows, I really do have a huge passion for the creativity, imagination and impact films generate. It’s no surprise then that I have a few film posters on my wall. These were specially designed by an artist contact I used to know and I wanted to share them with you. Is there one that stands out to you? Do you have any film posters on your wall or one you wish you had?

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Film Quizzes: Anime

There’s just something incredibly magical about a well-made anime film. The artistic flair, the imagination and creativity, and immense charm has enchanted audiences for decades. See how well you can do with the six films below.

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 1 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 2 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 3 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 4 (2000+)

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 5 (2000+)

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 6 (2000+)

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