Film Quiz: Loners

I haven’t done a film quiz for a long time. After such a long gap there were plenty of categoeis I could have chosen, but as my favourite film of the past few years was Nightcrawler (you can read my review here), it seemed right to chose loners as the theme. There are actually more on screen than you might imagine. Some are harmless, some deadly. Some are charming, some tortured. Please feel free to let me know how you do, if you have any favourites or even if there are any you think could have been added to the list.

Film quiz 16 1. (1930s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 1 2. (1950s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 2 3. (1960s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 13 4. (1960s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 4 5. (1970s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 6 6. (1970s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 3 7. (1970s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 5 8. (1980s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 7 9. (2000s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 14 10. (2000s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 15 11. (2000s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 8 12. (2000s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 9 13. (2000s)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 11 14. (2010+)

Film Quiz - Loners Film 12 15. (2010+)

Answers below

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Gr8at: Drew Struzan’s Film Posters

After seeing the documentary Drew: The Man Behind the Poster, I became aware of the incredible talent of the illustrator Drew Struzan. Seeing his portfolio, I realised just how highly regarded he is within the industry and how much of his work I was already familiar with. While I pay close attention to actors, directors, composers and scriptwriters, I’ve never really thought about film posters before, apart from when I highlighted the ones I have in my bedroom. Here are eight of Drew’s more famous works, with some bonus ones thrown in. Do you have a favourite? For more information n the man himself check out this Wired article.

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom poster

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)

Rambo - First Blood

First Blood (1982)

The Thing movie poster

The Thing (1982)

Hell Boy film

Hellboy  (2004)

Back to the Future Film poster

Back to The Future (1985)

Shawshank Redemption film poster

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Pans labarynth

Pan’s Labyrinth  (2006)

Blade_Runner film poster

Bladerunner (1982)

And here are some from his most famous collaboration

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Film Quizzes: Jungle

Guns n’ Roses memorably welcomed us to the jungle and said there would be fun and games, but even the heaviest of rockers couldn’t have dreamt up the adventures in the six films below. Why not have a go and see how many of them you can work out. As always the films are in chronological order and the answers are at the bottom.

Film Quizzes - Jungle Film 1 (1960s)

Film Quizzes - Jungle Film 2 (1970s)

Film Quizzes - Jungle Film 3 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Jungle Film 4 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Jungle Film 5 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Jungle Film 5 (2000+)

Click for answers

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