Film Quizzes: Teenager Movies

Time for another quiz. I’ve always had a soft spot for the whole teenager/adolescence genre, and unlike last time’s 2018 quiz, have seen all of the ones listed below. Do you have a favourite? How many can you get? As always feel free to share your score, offer any thoughts about the genre or recommend any others that you like.

film quizzes - teenagers film 1 Film 1  – (1950s)

film quizzes - teenagers film 2 Film 2  –  (1970s)

film quizzes - teenagers film 3 Film 3  – (1980s)

film quizzes - teenagers film 4 Film 4  – (1980s)

Ferris Bueller Film 5 – (1980s)

Robin Williams Film 2 Film 6  –  (1980s)

Fashion in films Film 7  – (1990s)

film quizzes - teenagers film 8 Film 8  – (1990s)

film quizzes - teenagers film 10 Film 9  –  (2000s)

Film quiz - Rivals Film 11 Film 10  – (2000s)

film quizzes - teenagers film 9 Film 11  –  (2000s)

emma-stone-easy-a Film 12  – (2010+)

film quizzes - teenagers film 11 Film 13  –  (2010)

film quizzes - teenagers film 12 Film 14  –  (2010+)

9d699d2ac32d0b7e80a9689e11e0a0fb Film 15 – (2010+)

Answers below

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Film Quizzes: My Favourite Films Part 2

There really were too many to fit favourite films into one post. And even then I think of some of the films I had to leave out. Will you do better better than last Part 1? Do you have a favourite among the list here? As always you comments and feedback are more than welcome.

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 28jpg  Film 1

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 22 Film 2

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 28 Film 3

Film quizzes Film 4

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 30 Film 5

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 31 Film 6

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 23 Film 7

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 19 Film 8

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 27jpg Film 9

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 24jpg Film 10

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 26 Film 11

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 25 Film 12

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 20jpg Film 13

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 17 Film 14

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 18 Film 15

Answers below

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Line(s) of the Day #FerrisBuellersDayOff

Ferris Bueller

Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick) in the much-loved 80s classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986). Twenty years after it’s initial release, the story of a teenager’s perfect day off continues to entertain and inspire us all.

Gr8at: Back to School Blogathon

Back to School Blogathon

There really are some fantastically original blogathons out there. One that really caught my attention was by the awesome blogger Dell on Movies. He runs a great site and regularly comes up with some really fantastic ideas. His latest one is the challenge of picking eight distinctive film characters to match specific roles within a school setting. I couldn’t say no.

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