Line(s) of the Day #FilmSpine


After my recent book spine post I was chatting with Silver Screenings in the comments secton and I thought why not do a film version of a story based on spine titles? This premise is a bit looser, with a western theme. I may have stayed away from Once Upon a Time in the West, but there’s still a revenge showdown, and one in which ends in a bit of a bloodbath.

Film Quizzes: Great Foreign Films

I wasn’t planning on doing another film quiz soon after my Magic post, but in the comments section from my Teachers quiz an idea for foreign films was suggested by Leí, whose blog I discovered recently. While most of my quizzes focus on Hollywood, I have always had a fondness for films from different cultures, and even did a Blogathon entitled Foreign Favourites. Below are 15 stills from successful films made in different languages and cultures. How many can you work out? There are countless more I could have included, so feel free to mention any you’re especially fond of.

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 2 Film 1 Film 1  (1940s)

Foreign films Film 1 Film 2  (1950s)

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 1 Film 2 Film 3  (1960s)

Film Quizzes - Germany Film 2Film 4  (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 1 Film 4 Film 5  (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Anime Film 2 Film 6

Film Quizzes - Germany Film 3 Film 7  (1980s)

la haine friends Film 8  (1990s)

Le diner de cons Film 9  (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Films set in Italy Part 2 Film 4 Film 10  (1990s)

 Film 11  (2000s)

Film Quizzes - French Part 1 Film 4 Film 12  (2000s)

Foreign films Film 12 Film 13  (2000s)

Foreign films Film 13 Film 14  (2000s)

Volver bench Film 15  (2000s)

Answers below

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Film Quizzes: My Favourite Films Part 1

I’ve done so many film quizzes since this early feature on New York, that I thought I’d continue the bloggerversary theme by putting films that just blew me away when I first saw them. Originally I thought about putting a mix of good and bad films, but I’ll save the shockers for another day. Whether they had me in hysterics, the edge of my seat, in deep thought or close to tears, these films really left an impression when I first saw them. Unsurprisingly I couldn’t fit them all into  one post, so look out for part 2 soon.

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 1  Film 1.

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 2  Film 2

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 3  Film 3

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 4  Film 4

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 6  Film 5

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 7  Film 6

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 9  Film 7

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 11  Film 8

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 12  Film 9

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 13  Film 10

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 14  Film 11

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 12  Film 12

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 14   Film 13

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 16  Film 14

Film Quiz - Best and Worst Film 15  Film 15

Answers below

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Foreign Favourites series: Battle Royale

I’ve been keen to get my friend Neel involved in my Foreign Favourites film series, ever since he set up his Dohabitation blog. Like the guy himself, the blog is funny entertaining and very colourful, and tells of his adventures since moving to Doha. Definitely worth heading over. Without any further ado, here are his thoughts on disturbing thriller Battle Royale.

Battle Royale film poster

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Gr8at: Back to School Blogathon

Back to School Blogathon

There really are some fantastically original blogathons out there. One that really caught my attention was by the awesome blogger Dell on Movies. He runs a great site and regularly comes up with some really fantastic ideas. His latest one is the challenge of picking eight distinctive film characters to match specific roles within a school setting. I couldn’t say no.

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Gr8at – Desert Island Films

What three records would you like if you were stuck on a desert island?
The long distance swimming record would be a good start!

Assuming that wouldn’t work,  I’d set up a makeshift chair, split open a coconut and enjoy some very fine movies. Here are my Gr8at films if I was stuck on a desert island.

Desert island

The Third Man

My favourite ever film so no chance I could miss this out. It was released in 1949 and it’s still a joy to the senses. The dialogue is outrageously sharp, the cinematography sublime, the directing imaginative and the acting of the highest calibre. A thought-provoking classic of what the fascination and drawbacks are of being immoral, and what affects it has for those caught in the middle.


I’m always amazed when I run into people who haven’t seen this film. The Naked Gun trilogy, Airplane and the Marx Brothers set are all super funny, but Clerks is still the film that makes me laugh most. The glorious cynicism in two friends in dead-end jobs dealing with a whole spectrum of customers would be a fun way to while away time on a desert island.

Field of Dreams

I’m a huge sports fan, but have never come close to understanding people’s love of baseball. But Field of Dreams is a film that really does go beyond that. It’s a magical, sentimental and captures the beauty of daydreaming. It’s the kind of upbeat message I’d need if I was to be alone on an island.

Battle Royale

Well I just had to have this on here! It’s such an entertaining film with a brilliant premise. Just what would happen if a group of schoolkids were dropped off in an island and left to fend for themselves? What separates this from just being just an extension of Lord of the Flies is the motives for why they’re there, being both boys and girls, and the use of weapons.

Bridge on the River Kwai

I’ve always loved this film. The idea of how people act when they think no one is watching and just what constitutes a hero has always intrigued me. Add in the superlative Alec Guinness as the misguided Lt. Colonel Nicholson, an epic setting, and a storyline that builds to an explosive crescendo and you have one of the best war films ever.

The Godfather

It’s not too often that a truly great novel becomes a truly great film. The story of the Corleone family is one of cinema’s most phenomenal of achievements and a masterclass of how to adapt a literary classic. It’s also an acting extravaganza that may well be the coolest film ever. With the time I’d have spare, I might finally be able to master the legendary voice too.


Not that well known in the slightest, and not even the only film to have been made about the star in question, but Prefontaine really is a superb piece of filmmaking I’d hate to go without. It’s still my favourite film for getting inside the mind of an athlete, especially before the era of high-end sponsorship. Deserves far-wider recognition.

Whatever it Takes

For a while I was between Reservoir Dogs and The Dark Knight, but I’d need a lighter movie and ‘Whatever it Takes’ always puts me in a good mood. Though the standard varies wildly, I’ve always had a soft spot for teen movies, and this loose remaking of Cyrano de Bergerac has plenty of laughs.


Film Quizzes: Anti-establishment Part 2

For some characters, fighting against the establishment is their identity. What drives them, keeps them from taking the easy decisions and going on a wild journey that usually ends up costing them everything. And watching them is nothing less than absorbing. Before you see how well you do, a reminder of where to find Part 1. As always, the films are in order with the answers below.

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 1 (1970s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 2 (1970s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 3 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 4 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 5 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 6 (2000+)

Answers below

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