Line(s) of the Day #ChocolateCake


So I take a knife
I think I’ll just tidy that up a bit,
cut off the crumbly bits
scoop them all up
and into the mouth

oooooommm mmmm

Look at the cake again.

That looks a bit funny now,
one side doesn’t match the other
I’ll just even it up a bit, eh?

An excerpt from Chocolate Cake, a much-loved poem by British writer Michael Rosen. You can find it in its complete form here, where anyone who loves chocolate will identify with the child narrator. Barbra Streisand and Lora Brody would surely include themselves.

Line(s) of the Day #Barbra Streisand

Barbara Streisand

I’ve heard she once used a cake on stage to make her cry. “That’s right,” she says. “It was a chocolate cake and it was put on the stool [in the wings] where I could see it.It wasn’t that I had to cry,” she corrects. “It was that I was supposed to be in love with the actor but I couldn’t feel anything for him. I didn’t even like him. I put the piece of cake in the wings so I could pine for the piece of cake.”

Taken from an interview with Barbra Streisand (1942 – ) with The Sunday Times’ journalist Chrissy Iley. Streisand is a legend of stage and screen, with an incredible set of achievements including two Oscars, 10 Grammy awards, five Emmys and a Tony award.

Line(s) of the Day #What’supDoc?

Whats up Doc

Miss Burns! What are you doing in Howard Banister’s bedroom? Don’t you know the meaning of propriety?

Judy Maxwell (Barbra Streisand) in the hilarious comedy What’s up, Doc? (1972)