Film Quizzes: Anti-establishment Part 2

For some characters, fighting against the establishment is their identity. What drives them, keeps them from taking the easy decisions and going on a wild journey that usually ends up costing them everything. And watching them is nothing less than absorbing. Before you see how well you do, a reminder of where to find Part 1. As always, the films are in order with the answers below.

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 1 (1970s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 2 (1970s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 3 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 4 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 5 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Anti-establishment Part 2 Film 6 (2000+)

Answers below

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Film Quizzes: Alfred Hitchcock part 3

He made such an astonishing repertoire that there just had to be three quizzes for Leytonstone’s finest, Alfred Joseph Hitchcock. Can you equal or improve your previous scores?

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock Part 3 Film 1 Film 1

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock Part 3 Film 2 Film 2

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock Part 3 Film 3 Film 3

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock Part 3 Film 4 Film 4

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock Part 3 Film 5 Film 5

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock Part 3 Film 6 Film 6



1. To Catch a Thief  (1955)

2. The Man who Knew too Much  (1956)

3. The Wrong Man  (1956)

4. Psycho  (1960)

5. The Birds  (1963)

6. Frenzy  (1972)

Film Quizzes: Alfred Hitchcock Part 2

Quite a few of the pictures stumped you last time, so have another go with a different set of Hitchcock films. Quite appropriate for someone who put so much stock in mystery and intrigue, mind. Scroll carefully for the answers below.

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock part 2 Film 1 Film 1

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock part 2 Film 2 Film 2

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock part 2 Film 3 Film 3

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock part 2 Film 4 Film 4

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock part 2 Film 5 Film 5

Film Quizzes - Hitchcock part 2 Film 6 Film 6

Answers below

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Film Quizzes – Films set in space

Amidst the constellations, solar systems and other forms of life, there’s all kinds of stories to be had. How well do you know what’s set in the great beyond? Scroll carefully for the six answers below.

Films set in space - Film 1 (1960s)

Films set in space - Film 2 (1980s)

Films set in space - Film 3 (1990s)

Films set in space - Film 4 (1990s)

Films set in space - Film 5 (1990s)

Films set in space - Film 6 (2000+)

Answers below

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