Line(s) of the Day #ArrestedDevelopment

Arrested development a new start ed helms

Tobias Fünke: Listen, I’m an actor. You’re an agent. You do the math. I want you to represent me. In other words, you do the math. The money. The negotiating. 
James Carr: You know I’m not that kind of agent, right? I’m a real estate agent. I’m predator. I sell giant houses to very poor people who can’t afford them.
Tobias Fünke: You see that’s the money stuff I don’t understand. All you need to do is tell people what a terrific actor I am because I can’t do it believably. What do you say?
James Carr: Sounds like it shouldn’t be too much work.
Tobias Fünke: Huzzah!

David Cross and Ed Helms in the highly original and intricately plotted comedy Arrested Development (2003 – 2006 and 2013 -). Set mainly in California, the how tells the story of the wasteful Bluth family and their flawed attempts at recovering their financial status. You can find two more examples of the show’s humour here and here.

Line(s) of the Day #ParksandRecreation

Parks and Recreation

Their people [Eagleton] are not inherently better than our people. The only thing they beat us in is life expectancy, beauty pageants and average income. Who cares?

Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) from the US sitcom Parks and Recreation (2009 – )

Line(s) of the Day


Elliot: My life is a mess!
Carla: At least you’re pretty.
Elliot: Yeah, well, pretty don’t pay the rent!
Carla: It does for my sister.
Elliot: Oh, my God, your sister’s a prostitute?
Carla: She’s a model. Come on, Elliot, we talked about thinking before we speak.

Sarah Chalke and Judy Reyes in Scrubs (2001 -2010)