Film Quizzes – Biographies

Film biographies have long been one of my favourite genres. Films always tell stories, but biographies give a film the opportunity to tell an even clearer story, and in some ways bring someone, and their reputation, back to life. Below are six films of six very different kinds of people. See how you do 🙂

Film Quizzes - Biographies Film 1 Part 1 (1960s)

Film Quizzes - Biographies Part 1 Film 2 (1980s)

Film Quizzes - Biographies Part 1 Film 4 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Biographies Part 1 Film 3 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Biographies Part 1 Film 5 (2000+)

Film Quizzes - Biographies Part 1 Film 6 (2000+)

Answers below

1. The Birdman of Alcatraz  (1962) – Robert Franklin Stroud

2. Gandhi  (1982)

3. Malcolm X  (1992)

4. Man on the Moon  (1999) – Andy Kaufman

5. Ray  (2004) – Ray Charles

6. Walk the Line  (2005) – Johnny Cash

28 thoughts on “Film Quizzes – Biographies

      • I can’t get through Citizen Kane. I’ve tried four or five times, but it bores me so badly I can’t bring myself to care about its reputation as the best movie ever. And so. I might not be the best person to decide whether or not it counts. Seems like it probably does, but …

        Malcolm X is awesome. In fact, it was the first title I thought of when you asked my favorite. 🙂

      • I meant it might not count as it is quite loosely based and not quite an official account ha. As much as I disagree with you on this one i do know what it is like to not fall for a hugely loved film though.

        And yes Malcolm X film (jumps about excitedly)

      • Fair enough on why it might not count. Really, I’m not sure how much I even disagree with you (and the rest of the world). I recognize its brilliance, without question. It’s just that I can’t connect to it. And so I’ve never finished it. 🙂

  1. I like movies biogarfice. I watched Ray (2004) – Ray Charles, Walk the Line (2005) – Johnny Cash, Gandhi (1982), I hope to watch the rest.
    Have a great day, Alex! 🙂

  2. Pingback: Film Quizzes: Biographies Part 2 | Alex Raphael

  3. Pingback: Film Quizzes: Biographies Part 3 | Alex Raphael

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