Reviews and Other Features: The Top 10 Most Iconic Movie Character Blogathon

Iconic female movie characters

WordPress is filled with fantastic blogathons, especially in film. So when asked by the very fab Anna at Film Grimoire to participate in such an original idea I had to join in. Especially as it highlights the many great roles and performances by women in films of all genres and eras.

Dell on Movies runs a very cool site which I’ve only just discovered, and he came up with the idea and defined the rules of the game.

A list of 10 iconic female movie characters has been made. That list will be assigned to another blogger who can then change it by removing one character (describing why they think she should not be on the list) and replacing it with another one (also with motivation) and hand over the baton to another blogger. Once assigned, that blogger will have to put his/her post up within a week. If this is not the case the blogger who assigned it has to reassign it to another blogger.

Anna decided to remove Sarah Conner from the list and replace it with Rosemary Woodhouse from Rosemary’s Baby. A very worthy entry. Anna did such a great job with the pictures, I’ve decided to keep them and adopt the same theme for mine.

Ellen Ripley

princess leia

Dorothy Gale

marge Gunderson

Holly Golightly

Scarlett O'hara

Lisbeth Salander

Jackie Brown


Rosemary Woodhouse

And so now I have to drop one. Taking one off from the list is more than difficult. Each has great reasons for being on there and has had a significant cultural impact. After flicking through the list I reluctantly decided I had to drop Holly. It’s not easy dropping such a memorable character by such an iconic actress. However, I have more of a soft spot for Audrey Hepburn’s astonishing breakthrough role in Roman Holiday, where her aura just shines right through the screen in the romantic classic.

Nurse Ratched

I also wanted to take the list in a more devious, and more complex, direction. Someone that the viewer hates, but is astonished by how much influence they wield on those around them. And though many came to mind, it had to be Nurse Ratched from One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Ratched is not just a character but a metaphor and a symbol of an abuse of trust. Cold, manipulative and unyielding, Ratched is a bully who will will find a way not just to beat you but break you. She just has to be on the list.

Next up. Cara from Caragale, who I know will do a great job. Here’s the list of those who have taken part so far: The Top 10 Most Iconic Movie Character Blogathon

32 thoughts on “Reviews and Other Features: The Top 10 Most Iconic Movie Character Blogathon

  1. I love this list 🙂 Nurse Ratched represents an important part of women, the dark underside of the female psyche. She belongs in the company of so many others, like Mrs Thrunchbull from “Matilda,” Annie Wilkes from “Misery”, and my all time favourite female character, Lady Macbeth.

    • Excellent choices. Lady Macbeth is my favourite Shakespearian female. Have you seen The Manchurian Candidate from 1962? Angela Lansbury as the ruthlessly calculating mother was my second choice.

  2. Great list and addition. Yes, to Angela Lansbury’s character in The Manchurian Candidate. Surprised no one selected any role played by Meryl Streep. Ironic she’s the most iconic actress out there but not one iconic role that has stood the test of time. Playing Margaret Thatcher would be a good start. OR, I would have added Cate Blanchett in Elizabeth. Fun 🙂

      • Sure! Just read the rules. What’s your position on posting the review on my own blog? There are a few which come to mind that I’d be more than happy to review. German: Nowhere in Africa, RosenstraBe, The Lives of Others, Downfall, The White Ribbon. Irish: The Magdalene Sisters
        French: Jules and Jim….which one would you like?

      • The Lives of Others has been done in the series already, but the others all sound great. I’m curious what you’d write for Downfall but honestly, if you want to choose one of the others or even one you haven’t thought of yet, that’s great too. Sure you can quote it on your site too. My email is for when you are ready.

  3. Oddly, Alex, I think Nurse Ratched was on this list previously. I believe Ruth removed her . . .

    I would have kept Holly and probably dropped Catherine (I’m not even sure what movie she’s from), but putting Nurse Ratched on the list is definitely worthwhile. She’s pretty darn iconic.

      • She is on blogroll and I was going to put the link up when she had finished the task, but no worries. Happy to do it now.

        It’s all about personal opinions so in theory pretty much anyone can go. Besides, it’s probably inspired people to see it 🙂

    • I doubt she could be more iconic than some of the other names mentioned, or characters like Norma Desmond, Margo Channing or Alex Forrest, but I didn’t feel comfortable getting rid of a character from a film I’ve not seen. It’s all opinions anyhow really. I would be very interested to know Ruth’s reasoning though.

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  5. Oh how cool! Gees, how am I gonna top some of these awesome ladies?! Lol. Thanks, Alex! I’m going to address this later this week! Also, I may be sending you an email about this…lol. Nice choice with Nurse Ratched! I must admit that I’ve never seen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, but she’s been referenced and spoofed so much that I immediately knew who you were talking about. If that isn’t iconic, I don’t know what is. 😉

  6. Pingback: The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters Blogathon | Silver Screen Serenade

  7. Pingback: The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters Blogathon | Tranquil Dreams

  8. Pingback: The Ten Most Iconic Female Movie Characters | Ten Stars or Less

  9. Pingback: Reviews and Other Features: “October Birthdayz” Blogathon | Alex Raphael

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