Film Quizzes: Shakespeare Adapations

I’ve been reading a bit of Shakespeare recently and as I haven’t done a film quiz for a while thought I should combine the two for a bumper post. His impact on literature, English theatre and popular culture has been extraordinary, so this film quiz was never going to be conventional. I’ve decided to break it into into two parts, faithful adaptations and those that were loosely based. Which half will you do better on? Do you have a favourite Shakespeare play?

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 1  Film 1 (1940s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 2 Film 2 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 3 Film 3 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 4 Film 4 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 5 Film 5 (2000s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 6 Film 6 (2010+)

And the loosely adapted

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 7 Film 7 (1950s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 8 Film 8 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 9 Film 9 (1990s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 10 Film 10 (2000s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 11 Film 11 (2000s)

Film Quizzes - Shakespeare Film 12 Film 12 (2010+)

Answers below

1. Henry V (1944)

2. Much Ado about Nothing  (1993)

3. Romeo and Juliet  (1996) – November

4. Hamlet  (1996) – December

5. The Merchant of Venice  (2004)

6. Macbeth  (2015)

7. Forbidden Planet  (The Tempest)  (1956)

8. Rosenkrantz and Gildernstern are dead  (Hamlet)   (1990)

9. 10 Things I Hate about You  (The Taming of the Shrew)  (1999)

10. O  (Othello)  (2001)

11. She’s the Man  (Twelfth Night)  (2006)

12. Gnomeo and Juliet  (Romeo and Juliet)  (2011)

36 thoughts on “Film Quizzes: Shakespeare Adapations

    • Can’t imagine anyone will get be getting even double figures. I am kind of curious if anyone has seen Gnomeo and Juliet. Films with pun titles do tend to be dreadful.

  1. Film 3: Romeo and Juliet. I did not like it. Generally speaking, I can’t deal with Shakespeare, word for word in a film. I am a huge Shakespeare fan, though, of course. Film 6, resembles me at work on Saturday mornings: “I just give up.” xo

  2. I loved 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10. I enjoyed the beauty in the old and the fun in remaking “Taming of the Shrew.” Alex, not everyone knew the remakes among my friends at work! 🙂

  3. Pingback: Film Quizzes: Jake Gyllenhaal | Alex Raphael

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