Awards: WordPress Family Award

Wordpress Family Award

I only set up this blog in September, so it’s great to receive a Silver Screen Serenade nomination and Verbal Spew nomination. I’m very flattered.

Silver Screen Serenade is a fantastic blogger who I would really like to write a guest post for in the future. Describing herself as “One avid movie fan’s opinions on what’s playing at your theater and on your television”, she is much, much more. Do check her out. Verbal Spew is equally as awesome, with innovative reviews, round-up news and personal anecdotes on all kinds of entertainment topics. One of the most fun people you’ll find online.

According to the rules I must now choose six bloggers who make you feel like part of the family, and as ever, in NO particular order. All are already on my blogroll, but here’s a bit more about them.

Aussa Lorens – Every family needs that someone who has that madcap anecdote that can hold everyone’s attention. Reading her stuff is like going to watch a good comedian. Part of you wants to be near the front to be part of the story, but not close enough that you end up being the story!

Vinnie H – Someone with great taste who would be undoubtedly cool company at a gig or film viewing. With such a wide range of film reviews of different eras, reading his site is like discovering a previously hidden box with loads of cool toys inside.

Where the Wild Things Are – Recently added to my Twitter. Her impressive is a reminder of the open page attitude you can when posting, from the analytical to the creative.

Little Write Lies – Being inspired to write can take many forms. This website is most definitively one of them. A favourite part is the Micro Fiction section where her imagination and humour is most seen, ‘Bartending in Hell’ being my absolute favourite.

The London Scrapbook – The last page of the scrapbook may have turned, but the book cover has not yet been closed. being a Londonder myself, it’s always great to see someone else’s idea of the city. Even though I’ve been a few times

Emily’s Poetry Blog – Though not as prolific as others on this list, anyone with even a passing interest in poetry should check out her blog. She not only mentions a carefully chosen poem, but provides her own detailed insight into what the writer is aiming for. A great distraction.

20 thoughts on “Awards: WordPress Family Award

  1. Yay!! Congratulations on the double nominations!! I hadn’t realized Miss V nominated you as well, but both nominations are well-deserved. 🙂 And thank you for the very kind words! I sincerely appreciate it. I am brainstorming ideas for one of your film quizzes! I will let you know when I come up with something good! 😀

  2. Gracias, sir! I love the description as well– you want to be close, but not toooo close. Well said 😉
    And congrats on the awards, huzzah!
    Now I will go and stalk all your other nominees…

    • Thank you kindly. Not too close is always a good idea. There’s this joke by the comedian Dave Attel when he was first starting out. He turns up to this small venue and before he’s even started saying anything, some guy at the front keeps shouting “Get off! Will you just get off!” None too flattered, he looks down to see he is standing on the guy’s fingers. Ha!

  3. Pingback: WordPress Family Award | Little Write Lies

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